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 Hearts Wherewith they Understand

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

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Hearts Wherewith they Understand

Today, researchers confirm that there is a brain inside heart which can think, understand and feel. The question: Are there any signs in Qur'an about heart and its role in understanding and realizing? Let us read…

In this research a new vision for human heart , for many years scientists studied heart from the physiological side and they considered it only a blood pumping machine no more no less, but starting from the twenty one century and because of the high development in heart transplantation and artificial heart surgeries ,researchers started to notice a strange and vague phenomenon which is a change in the patient's psychological status after heart transplantation , these psychological changes are very deep to the extent that after changing the old heart with a new one or with an artificial heart, patient became affected by many changes in his beliefs, what he or she likes and hate and also these changes may affect his believes!!!

From here we found that all recent science and researches talks about many verses in Qur'an which is considered to be koranic precedence in Cardiology.
As we mentioned before, some researchers believe that heart is only a blood pumping machine, also some people believe that the mentioned heart in Qur'an is the moral heart like soul not the physical one, but what is the truth?

God creates heart before brain in the embryo and it start to pulsing from the first day of creation till death. Scientists believed that brain is controlling these pulses, but they noticed that during heart implantation surgeries, the new heart start to pulsing immediately before it gets any orders from brain.

That considered being a sign that brain and heart are working independently .also they believe that heart direct brain, and each cell in heart has got a memory.

Dr Schwartz says that our history is stored inside each cell in our body.

Facts about heart
Heart is the engine that feeds more than 300 million of million cells in human's body. Its weight is about (250 – 300) gram (you can put it in your fist). Ill heart may weight about (1000) gram because of the Enlargement.

The heart starts its mission since you are an embryo (21 days after start of pregnancy) to pumping blood to the entire body, when you are adult your heart can pump more than seventy thousand liter of blood every day. When you reach the age of seventy, the total pumped amount of blood would be more than million barrel during these years.

Relation between brain and heart

Does brain control heart as said by scientists? or vice versa? Scientists admit that medicine is still undeveloped, as they have no idea about the precise operations in human brain, also how can we remember things? And why do we sleep? They published only what they see and observes in their researches without understanding any kind of an absolute rule concerning these operations.

But we are the Muslims have an absolute rules which are the known rules in Qur'an fourteen century ago. There are many verses which tell us that heart is the center of feeling, thinking and memory.

Only from thirty years, researchers started to notice the relation between brain and heart when they noticed that heart has a vital role in understanding the surrounded world and they had found that heart can affect the electrical activity of brain.

Scientists didn't prove that there is no relation between heart and emotions. It is so hard to prove such thing.

But scientifically, heart is connected with brain through a very complicated network of neurons and there are flows of messages between both of them in form of electrical signals. Scientists confirm that heart and brain are working simultaneously in harmony and without that harmony, troubles might occur.

Dr. Armour say that heart has a special system in processing incoming information from entire body and success of heart transplantation depends on the neural system of the transplanted heart and how much it is able to adapt with the patient.

Interesting scenes
Prof Gary Schwartz specialist in Psychiatry in Arizona University and Prof Linda Russek believe that heart has a special power which enables it to store and process information. Therefore memory is not only in brain but also in heart. Prof Gary made a research which included more than three hundred patient who performed transplantation surgery and he found that all patients were exposed to many psychological changes after the surgery.

Prof Gary Schwartz says: we made a heart transplantation surgery for an ill child as we implanted the heart of a dead child in the body of that child. Mother of the dead child says: every time I huge the child I feel as if my child still alive and that child is my own one.

That child started to suffer from a defect in his left side and that was the same case of the dead child. How can we explain that?

Simply, because the heart started to supervise brain activities and that defect occurred because heart started to make some development in child's brain.

Prof Linda says: another story for a girl who performed a heart transplantation surgery but after the operation she used to feel with pain in her chest and when she asked her doctor he told her that feeling with pain is because of the medicines. But later they knew that the heart inside her was transmitted from another girl who was hit by a car in a car accident and last word the dead girl said was "I feel with pain in my chest.

Also, another story for a girl who sank in the pool and her family donated with her heart to another boy who used to be afraid from water after the heart transplantation surgery and he always feels afraid as he used to ask his family not to drop him in water.
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Hearts Wherewith they Understand
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