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 Breast cancer

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

Breast cancer Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Breast cancer   Breast cancer I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 02, 2011 11:32 pm

We collected for you in the "network of life" a range of useful information about breast cancer in addition to the latest statistics about the spread of the disease and prevention methods and the latest methods of treatment reached by the medicine in this area ...

Of the main reasons that lead to increased incidence of breast cancer in the family:
- Injuring a woman in the family, and the percentage increases and the risk increased number of women in the same family.
- Increase the percentage of risk if the infected mother or aunt or uncle of the girl, whether infected unrelated away the girl.
- The vulnerability of young girls in the family increase the proportion of risk to the girls family more than an elderly woman injured.
- Also increase the incidence of the disease among older single women.

Figures ...
Saudi Arabia
- The forefront of breast cancer ranked first in the list of most common types of cancers prevalent in Saudi, as statistics indicate the national registry of tumors for the presence of 1157 breast cancer among women in Saudi Arabia, representing 20.6% of the total new cases of cancer detected among women,'s 5617 case , and the rate of infection by the standard according to age: 13.6 cases per 100 thousand women.
- Breast cancer occupies the first rank compared to all the tumors that affect women, there are approximately 800 breast cancer cases diagnosed annually in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Figures issued by the Directorate of Health Affairs in Jeddah that breast cancer represents 20% of cancers in women, and ranks first compared the types of other cancers, and that 40% of the cases are scattered localized at diagnosis and 64% of cases occur before the age of fifty if compared with the countries of the West, where the majority of cases occur between the ages of
60 and 65 years.
- Statistics indicate that the incidence of breast cancer in Saudi Arabia recorded the highest number in the eastern region (22.6%) of the total injuries in the Kingdom, Riyadh, followed by 19.4%, Fmkp Mecca by 19.1%, 17.5% The area of Al-Jouf, Valgosaim 12.6% , Vtbok 11.7%, then the northern region 11.5%, 11.3% Valbahp, Medina, 10.6%, 9.0% REGION Hail, Fjazan 6.3%, 5.7% Vasir. Finally, comes the very least the region of Najran regions in the Kingdom of the disease by 2.2%.
- Are diagnosed 48 to 50% of cases in late!
- Recent studies show that the detection rate of breast cancer in its early stages is very low in the Kingdom, do not exceed this figure of 15% compared to 85% in the United States of America.

In Egypt ...
«Project the mobile units to women's health was launched through a national campaign for early detection of breast cancer since October (October) in 2007, and continues without interruption during the next phase»: with these words, launched adviser to the Minister of Health of the rays and supervisor of the general national project for the early detection of breast tumors, Dr. Doria Salem she's «Madame», pointing out that this project provides its services free, and aims to increase awareness of breast cancer and guide women who are over the age of forty-fifth session on how to detect the disease and its prevention using the latest technologies and applications and information systems. She adds: «This last project development objective is to provide tools and techniques of modern radiology technicians and specialists, helping them to develop their abilities to deal with the disease and work to increase the number of workers in this field».
She explained: «that this project has achieved unprecedented achievements, they were examined more than 41 thousand women in different areas in the governorates of Egypt». She pointed out that this campaign includes the launch of 4 units of mobile women's health, is equipped with the latest equipment and devices required; detection and early screening for breast tumors. And snaking through the mobile units regions of the Republic of different detection periodically on the ladies, and will be linked to the unity of the early detection of breast cancer in the University of Cairo, and to form a connected network to help each woman from the clients at the mobile units, either in Cairo or in any other region of remote, Egypt.
And the prevalence of breast cancer in Egypt to 21 cases per thousand women in the age group above 40 years, although more than half of positive cases that were discovered were obese women. A record 29% of the cases recorded in the National Cancer Institute, note that the majority of cases women are not they reach menopause! Genes and recommended by the American Society of Oncology, which are available in all hospitals in the Kingdom on the treatment of tumors.

In Lebanon ...

Notes the increasing of the injuries in Lebanon, as the proportion of current infection with 69 cases per 100,000 women, and in all age groups, each year. The breast cancer 38.2 of the total cancer cases in women. And contributes to the high rate of injury: the increase in life expectancy and increase the weight and breadth of the number of years between the beginning of the menstrual cycle and interruption, in addition to genetic factors.
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And is breast self-examination, through the following steps:
An observer in front of the mirror
> Stand up straight for the mirror, with hands on hips. Make sure that there are no changes in color or shape of your breasts or nipples, or any swelling or cavity. The simple difference in size between the breasts is normal and should not disturb you.
> Return this examination, with your hands behind your head. Turn your chest to the right and left, and make sure not to get any change.
> Just click gently on the nipple of each breast. Make sure that there is no discharge.

2, lie down and feel your breasts
Examine the right breast:
> Lie on your back, put a pillow under your shoulder right, cover Koek and right Put your right hand behind your head.
> By the fingers of your left hand, right breast gently allergic movements round and make sure that there is no tumor or block access under the armpit.
> To examine the left breast:
> Repeat the process for the left hand, through the use of the right hand.

3 during bath
> The use of soap during the shower makes the test more easily. Follow the same method of lying, then used the left hand to examine the right breast, and the right hand to examine left breast.

To prevent ...
According to the Advisory mammograms and director of training in the radiology department in the city of King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard, Department of Radiology and Head of the status of al-Latif for the early detection, Dr. Mohammad Yousuf babe miller to readers «Madam» main ways to prevent breast cancer, namely:
- Early pregnancy: low among women who have their first pregnancy before the age of 20 years the incidence of breast cancer.
- Breastfeeding: women who have breast-feed their babies from the breast the opportunity to stay top Slemat, with no injury to have breast cancer.
- Proper nutrition.
- The practice of physical activity: You must be this activity periodically, for a period of four hours per week, at least.
- Eating soy products.
- To refrain from the use of hormone replacement only under the supervision of a medical, but a short time, and in the absence of family history with the disease.
- Consult a doctor with any symptoms or signs of abnormal cells in the breast.
- X-ray of the breast by a «Almamograve» annually, after the age of forty.
- Periodic inspection of the breasts of healthy women before, even in the absence of any complaint, and includes:
- Self-examination: Examination of women's breast itself periodically every month since the age of twenty, and that at the end of the menstrual cycle, when the swelling and pain disappears from your breasts. Preferably be done in the shower, when the texture is smooth and homogeneous breast so easy to detect any slight changes. This is done through the extension of the end of the fingers and move it in small circles over each part of the breast, while refraining from the era of the nipple because of its adverse effects on the channels of Aleppo.
But after a break lasting for the session are checking their breasts on a specific day of each month (the first day of every month).
- Clinical examination: is by a physician during screening every three years for those who are under the age of forty, and annually for those as young as the age of forty.
- Mammography: is a year from the age of forty years on a regular basis, even if women enjoy good health, but in the event of injury to a family member begins to women to submit to examinations by ten years of age infected in the family, may require the use of methods Kalocap other audio or MRI.
- Early detection: success depends on a series of channels in the community, in order to raise women's awareness of risk factors. Here, comes the role of organizations, bodies and civil society institutions and official in educating women about early screening for breast health programs through a cultural link to each house, through the school and the media to break the silence or the question and the fear and shame of this disease. This is also done through the distribution of press awareness and posters in health centers and cultural, as well as training and rehabilitation for doctors and nurses working in this field, through the provision of services examinations Radiology, and the end of the transfer of suspected cases to confirm the diagnosis and treatment, and to provide all avenues of support for the infected in the home, work, study and in phase of treatment and after treatment.

Breast self-examination

Madam Check your breasts regularly every month
Madam Remember that most breast cancers detected by women themselves, and early detection, prompt treatment and thus lead to better results in the elimination and cure of tumors, so it follows that Taatgueni way you check your own breasts, the way of the three steps described here.

How Tvhchin your breasts?
A simple way of three steps to help you examine your breasts, and thus detect any tumor at an early stage that it could be treated and cured with the permission of God.

Breast self-examination: The first step - when showering

Check your breasts during bathing, the skin is still moist by placing your hand and fingers happy over the breast, and make movements nice on every part of the breast, check your breasts left with your right hand, and massage the right with your left hand, he checks and finding each block swelling or thickening of the skin.
Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih

Breast self-examination: The second step - in front of the mirror

1. Lift your breasts and you are in front of the mirror and you have on your side
2. And the hands pulled up high above your head. Observe if there is any change in the form of the breast, swelling, or shrinkage alterations in the skin or in the form of the nipple.
Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih
3. Put your hands on Khasrtek and pressure in order to shrink down your chest muscles, and remember, Madam, that there is not likely to resemble breasts when most women and this is normal.
Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih

Tvhchin when your breasts regularly, you you become able to know the natural form for you, so you will have full confidence in examining your breasts.

Breast self-examination: The third step - through the Lie

Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih
Check your right breast put a pillow or towel under your right shoulder and your right hand behind your head, then lay out your left hand over your breast right, surveying the breast in a circular motion with slight pressure from the outside and towards the center toward the nipple without leave any part without examination, and this needs at least three movements circular
Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih

Check your left breast and then put a pillow or towel under your left shoulder and your left hand behind your head, and use the right hand in the examination of the left breast the same, which examined the right breast using your left hand.

At the end of a national examination by pressing gently on the nipples between finger index finger and thumb out and observe any secretion of watery or bloody. In case this so tell your doctor immediately.
Breast cancer first enemy Okchwih

What is the best time to examine your breasts?
The best time to examine your breasts is one week after menstruation disappears as the swelling and pain of the breasts after menopause, you can check your breasts in the first day of each month, but after hysterectomy Ask for your doctor about the best time to examine your breasts.

That you examine your breasts regularly will give you comfort and confidence, and your visit to your doctor each year will tell you the absence of anything abnormal in your breasts.

What if you discover mass in the breast or thickening in the skin of the breast?
I discovered the existence of a cluster or contraction or secretion from the nipple during your screening league breasts, it is very important that the regression doctor immediately, do not be afraid, ma'am, if more blocks concrete or discharge from the nipple is of the nature of benign and are not necessarily cancer, but your experience is able to help you and access to the correct diagnosis.
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