There are various causes of male impotence and a lot of these causes include:
• Age: As men age, there is a tendency for impotence to increase – this is the part where you say “Oh shoot!” According to research, 38 percent of men by the age of 36 become affected by impotence.
• Medical/Health Conditions: Men who suffer from certain health problems can also be affected by impotence, medical conditions that could rob a man of his sexual life include:
- Vascular disease: this happens to be the numero uno of male impotence. Vascular disorder which include hypertension, leakage of the veins, arteriosclerosis and hyper-cholestremia.
- Diabetes
- Neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and injuries to the spinal cord.
• Prescription Medications: Some prescription medication can lead to male impotence as side effects. Around 200 medication fall into this particular group i.e. ace inhibitors, beta-blocker medications and diuretics medications.
• Anti-depressants or Antipsychotic medications
• Smoking
• Substance abuse
• Chemotherapy
• Psychological Causes: Common psychological problems include stress, depression, anxiety etc.
• Anatomical Deviation of the Penis or Peyronie’s Disease.
• Pelvic Surgery: Surgeries that involve the colon, bladder or prostate may lead to male impotence because pelvic surgery might damage the nerves that are responsible for erectile response.