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 Thumbs up and popular recipes for the modern ailments

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

Thumbs up and popular recipes for the modern ailments Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Thumbs up and popular recipes for the modern ailments   Thumbs up and popular recipes for the modern ailments I_icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 14, 2011 5:21 am

* Mouth ulcers and tooth: take one teaspoon of chamomile flowers and cook in a cup, and rinse out the infected

* Relaxation of the tongue: Alngrger mustard several times is useful in a relaxed tongue

* Periodontal abscess: a half fig soaked in boiling water and then placed on the abscess

* Tonsillitis: Mix egg flour until Kajeen, and placed on the neck and connecting cloth, from night until morning, then lift and wash the place with warm water, this raises the temperature of inflammation and throat, repeat until Alamliy healing that God Almighty

** Other recipe: Put on the neck of some sliced onions, hot packs, they are good for him tonsillitis
** Recipe again:
Cook one tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a glass of water, and their throats by the inflammation of the infected tonsils, repeat the process after it heals

* Hoarseness: If you eat garlic, grilled or cooked or raw, benefit hoarseness and roughness
** Recipe again:
Eat honey horseradish benefit well from hoarseness after the incident, shouting, and that the benefit of the singers in particular,
** Recipe again:
Well-cooked cabbage leaves in a little water, then mixed with boiled honey, and set to cool, and Tchechrb seven tablespoons of the day, it is very helpful for the fading of sound and pure and the respiratory system and tonsils

* Filter Sound: Eating garlic raw or cooked audio filter
* Sore throat:
Mix onion, honey, apples, juice and drink for several days

* Goitre: Prevents patient goitre for refrigerators and fries, boiled germander takes the amount of half a cup, and persist in drinking it heals, God Almighty

* Respiratory tract infection:
Steam is used chamomile flowers

* TB: Drink boiled water track the amount of 4 tablespoons a day to relieve coughing TB patients
* Treatment of tuberculosis:
Consumptive drink every morning with milk mixed with a spoon of honey, it is similar to the healing that God Almighty

* Chronic cough: take a quantity of dried figs, and Tnqap in olive oil for a week, the patient every morning Viaftr three Tenet, it heals

* Cough: take the orange leaves and boil 20 grams per liter of water, and drink the patient coughs chest three times a day for Zumnip least three days, it is effectively

* Cough children: Cook onion and squeeze one hundred and mixed with honey, and takes the child doses 5 times per day

** Other recipe: Drink carrot juice cooked with sugar, the amount of half a cup three times a day

* Asthma: Soak the amount of garlic peeled in one liter of milk, drink it 3 cups a day for 8 days, and every cup and then drink the purified 0
** Recipe again:
Pressed the amount of water cup of onions and examples Cup honey, and bring to boil on the fire, a heart patient and used the amount of asthma tablespoons in the morning and afternoon and evening, and the process repeated, the patient recovering that God Almighty
** Recipe again:
Eat sesame milled sugar benefit asthmatic

* Sputum: Taken hot cabbage water and mixes with a spoon of honey and covered in the sputum, it is easy to exit and relieve the people of respiratory Nhij

* Whooping cough: Boil 100 grams of peeled garlic in 250 grams of water, for 15 minutes, then add Bsfi him 250 grams of sugar, and drink it the amount of two tablespoons each morning
** Recipe again:
Take 150 grams lettuce leaves and cook, for 5 minutes and cool drinks after each sweeten Day:

* Heart: the patient's heart between 50 Aali 140 grams of honey in the day

* Strengthen the heart: be eaten every day artichokes, celery, lettuce and onions. It is very useful to strengthen the heart muscle, God Almighty ** Recipe again:
Cook tablespoons of the thyme in a cup of water and drink a weak heart

* Atherosclerosis: taken 100 grams of beans and boil for centuries in one liter of water well, then drain and drink 4 cups of it every day for 15 d
** Recipe again:
Boil dry olive leaves estimated 40 grams per liter of water for 10 minutes, and drink a cup of it every day am
** Recipe again:
Peel the boiled garlic, crushed and boiled in a cup of milk for 5 minutes, and drink and persist in this daily for a period of

* Indigestion: Drink latency Medkouka with vinegar, one teaspoon large
** Recipe again:
Eat ginger or mint after eating a good effect in the digestive

* Cramps: Drink crushed cumin mixed with vinegar, one teaspoon large, it lives colic
* Intestinal colic in adults and children:
Take a tablespoon of anise, and cook in the quarter-liter of water, drink 4 servings a day, they inhabit the intestinal colic, and can be used for children by 3 teaspoons per day

* Nausea: mild onion smell goes nausea and inhabited
** Recipe again:
If mixing vinegar and mint drink cut vomiting 0
** Recipe again:
A piece of lemon boiled in a liter of water and drink them when you feel Venjanan vomiting 0

* Removal of vomiting and stomach pain:
Drink a glass of water soaked mint

* Strengthening the stomach: a few Alkroya chewed on an empty stomach, it strengthens the stomach if the patient assiduously by both Day
** Recipe again:
Drinking water hyacinth (lavender) strengthens the stomach well
** Recipe again:
Eat soft mint
** Recipe again:
Anise drink purifies the stomach

* Stomach blood libel: If you mix egg whites Basueq spare the blood of the stomach puffs
** Recipe again:
Attendance to eat well in mint puffs spare the blood of the stomach

* Heartburn: Put hands and legs in cold water buyers, this is very helpful in soothing heartburn and flames

* Stomach tumor: a good drink honey is useful in stomach tumor, if the patient and persevered on that 0

* Ulcers: take equal parts of thyme and the nettles and cook and drink in 3 batches in the day time morning, noon and dinner, and attendance must be that
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Thumbs up and popular recipes for the modern ailments
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