The caftan (alqaftane) in Arabic: ancient costume dating from the Greco Roman, it has been through several revisions over time. While the principle of full traditional attire always remained the same, describing the side ease and majesty.
Originally, only the sultans and their wives had the privilege of obtaining a garment as expensive, because the designers spent months craftsmen to shape it, to embroider, to hand-beading, weaving in and noble with gold thread and silver.
What about a legacy that has lasted over time and despite all the invasions.The kaftan has appeared in North Africa in the 3rd century AD with the establishment
Arabs, has been warmly adopted in pregnant palace, was remodeling following monarchies that succeeded, sometimes near the body, sewed in weaves light and silky, perfectly matching the shape of the body, sometimes wide, short, worked in weaving thicker.This costume has largely developed aboriginal, expands in the 21st century. This is evident in every home Maghreb, weaving in more or less expensive, stylish cuts rallying with tradition and modernism, putting a woman on a pedestal under her dress and giving it the look of the princess dream.
The caftans presented in this gallery are stitched by master craftsmen in Fes, hello I particularly great virtues are patience and courage of any shape, any embroidery and beading all by hand. This is hardly the craft, it's art and handicrafts, there is the word ART.