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 Treatment of aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

Treatment of aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Treatment of aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip   Treatment of aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip I_icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 31, 2010 2:01 pm

Severity of the disease ranging from aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip the degree of simple, moderate, or severe (severe). In severe cases of the disease there is a severe shortage in the number of blood cells, which displays the patient's life at risk and need for admission to hospital immediately because the treatment in such cases, the bone marrow transplant. In simple cases of the disease or the medium you do not need to the hospital, and is treated in a blood transfusion and the use of medications.

The methods of treatment are as follows:

Blood transfusion Blood transfusion
Blood transfusion Blood transfusion
Most patients with non-Tensji anemia - anemia Aloblastaip frequent need to transport blood. Are the transfer of red blood cells or platelets or both depending on the status of the disease. And blood transfusion is not considered definitive cure of the disease, it is only offset the decrease in blood cells by bone marrow does not produced and thus controls the symptoms of those cells.


Red blood cells Red blood cells: the transfer of red blood cells leads to the high number of blood and thus disappear symptoms of anemia and fatigue suffered by the patient. And are selected donor blood group match with the patient's blood. And last cells in the blood of the patient transferred for one month or more.

Platelets Platelets: blood platelets are collected after separation of donated blood in a certain way is then given to the patient.

White blood cells White blood cells: Given the short life of white blood cells can be difficult to transfer to the patient. Therefore, the patient was an exhibition of infection is not easily found in the blood of white blood cells are sufficient to cope with any infection is exposed.

Inhibitor drugs for the immune system Immunosuppressant drugs
In some cases, are discouraging the use of drugs for the immune system to treat because it may be the cause of anemia in non-Tensji - Aloblastaip anemia is a disorder of the immune system begins to attack the cells in the bone marrow. When you use these drugs inhibit the activity of the immune system does not affect the bone marrow and bone marrow begins producing new blood cells.

And an example of these drugs are anti-globulin for cells Iemusip anti-thymocyte globulin - Thymoglobulin, cyclosporine cyclosporine. And be used alongside medication corticosteroid Corticosteroids.

Doping bone marrow Bone marrow stimulants
There are some drugs lead to stimulate and activate the bone marrow to produce new blood cells.

Bone marrow transplantation Bone marrow transplantation
Is replaced by the bone marrow of the patient bone marrow to another healthy person (donor). The bone marrow transplant is the only option in the successful cases of acute (severe) of disease, aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip. And success rate of more than 50% of the cases where the donor is not a relative of the patient. And when the donor's relatives of the patient increases the chances of successful treatment Between all 5 cases, 4 cases are treated successfully.

When you find a suitable donor is the work of the necessary tests to him. Are exhausted and the patient's bone marrow using radiation or chemical drugs. Will then be taken from the donor bone marrow in a surgical procedure. After that you enter the bone marrow in the blood of the patient through a vein. Flies to the bone marrow cavities of bones and then begins to form new blood cells during 3-4 weeks.
Bone marrow transplantation Bone marrow transplantation
You need a bone marrow transplant to stay in the hospital for a long time with taking certain medications that prevent the body rejecting the bone marrow transferred to him.
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Treatment of aplastic anemia - anemia Aloblastaip
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