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 Diabetes Mellitus

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

Diabetes Mellitus Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Diabetes Mellitus   Diabetes Mellitus I_icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 31, 2010 2:06 pm

May not be free and the Council only deals with one of the speakers to talk about diabetes and what caused the disease to people from so and so, recently, or the owner, of complications and major health problems. It may not pretend to a dining table and only one step down, apologizing for the guests to participate in food for his diabetes. Or request a special kind of food. We see the resolve and determination to be bound by and see him sometimes at other times have been negligent under the pressure and urgency of addressing the audience a piece of candy and courtesy in this tasting this food. To the end of the usages.

Because diabetes disease complex and needs to be many pages in order to update to talk about. Will try as much as possible the answer to what is touring the risk diabetic patients in particular, and also a lot of people who became a ghost diabetes causes them a lot of anxiety and fear in their minds and raises many questions about the possibility of contracting diabetes.

How common is it?

Spread of diabetes mellitus in all parts of the world and affects rich and poor, young and old, men and women. And notes the increasing prevalence of diabetes with the progress of civilization, although it was known thousands of years ago. And might be behind the high prevalence change the type of food, and well-being, smoking, mental stress, anxiety, obesity, and other reasons. Therefore, WHO expects to double the number of people with diabetes to 239 million people by the year 2010.

The rate of infection by about 7% of the population. For example, one of the studies conducted in Canada the period 1986-1992 that the rate of infection in Canada is distributed as follows:

Men from 18-24 in 0.9%
25-64 6.2%
65-74 13.2%
Women from 18-24 in 2.9%
25-64 5.9%
65-74 12.0%

It is estimated prevalence between 2 and 4 percent in the United States of America, and is expected that the incidence of diabetes in the Arabian Gulf may reach 10% of the population. The complications of diabetes more than 25% of cases of renal failure, and more than 50% of cases of amputation. Diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness, including an estimated 5000 new cases each year. In addition, patients with diabetes is running 10% of the days of stay in hospitals to control severe cases of it.

What is the relationship between insulin and sugar?

At the outset it is useful to know that the blood sugar (glucose Glucose or grape sugar or blood sugar) is the main source of energy for all biochemical reactions important for the stability of the body's cells to life and perform functions required of them, which together constitute the work of the whole body of mental effort and muscle. The normal human body contains a certain amount of sugar in the blood when a person is fasting ranging between 70-120 mg per 100 ml (or cc) of blood plasma, or the other scale is from 3.5 to 6.7 mmol per liter. This amount is subject to increase and decrease according to the quantity and quality of food intake.

And so the body can use glucose as an energy source must be the presence of insulin, the hormone Insulin, which helps on the entry of glucose into the cell and begin the process of metabolism of glucose to produce thermal energy. The process of entry of glucose into the cells by insulin receptor on the surface of cells. Ie only the presence of insulin to its receptors on the surface of cells are force glucose into the cells. Here we can say that diabetes is a high percentage of sugar in the blood above normal due to a lack of secretion of the hormone insulin or ineffective or both.

If we know that any amount of food people eat, especially if it contains material starch or sugar, as is the case in normal food, leading to a high amount of sugar for a reduction of recovery and this leads to stimulate a receptor movement of the pancreas Pancreas secretion of the hormone insulin, Insulin, which interferes complex mechanisms to restore the amount of sugar to the border proper. Similarly, if we know that the liver and a large group of hormones involved in this work, we realized the importance of sugar in the blood and we know the interpretation associated with diabetes with a lot of endocrine diseases and liver, as well as disruption of these devices if the diabetes is a disease first has to do with insulin and the pancreas. What is the pancreas? What is Insulin? And their relationship to diabetes?

What is the pancreas?

Pancreas unique member is located at the top of the belly of the human body and close to the stomach, and contains glands duct glands, known as cursive, secrete pancreatic juice in the duodenum. It contains bile enzymes to digest food, it also contains the pancreas to endocrine glands known as Islands of Langerhans Langerhans which contain beta cells beta that produce the hormone insulin that regulates sugar in the blood, also contain cells, alpha, which produce the hormone known as glucagon glucagon has the opposite effect to the effect of insulin.

How to maintain the balance of sugar in the blood?
The rate of dextrose (glucose) in the blood of healthy human constant, which amounts to about one gram per kilogram of blood plasma. However, this proportion and moderation, because the rate of glucose may rise after a meal rich in sugar and starch, for example, this ratio may fall slightly if the person abstained from eating carbohydrates such as sugar, bread and rice. In all cases, human blood is not likely a high proportion of grape sugar (glucose). If the percentage of sugar grapes for a rate of 1.8 grams per thousand, the kidneys put the surplus in the urine, the condition called diabetes (diabetes).

How to maintain your blood sugar?
When the high percentage of sugar in the blood secrete pancreatic endocrine glands, ie, beta cells, the hormone insulin which converts grape sugar to starch substance (Article backup) in order to reduce the proportion of sugar in the blood, it goes back to normal. This is called the name of the article or animal starch glycogen glycogen. Stores the glycogen in the liver and muscles in order to use later as fuel for the body, where when you turn it into sugar grapes. Also that some of the glucose converted to fat stored in the three areas of the body fat.

If the proportion of sugar, and produce glands of Langerhans Hermunha II cells of the alpha alpha (which has the opposite effect to the effect of insulin) and known as glucagon glucagon, is transferred starch animal (Article backup) to dextrose, and so blood sugar back to normal.

But if the lack of production of insulin from pancreatic beta cells because of damage or because of a lack in the number of insulin receptors on the surface of cells or because of a defect in the form of glucose Could not enter the cells, leading to high blood glucose and diabetes
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Diabetes Mellitus
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