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  Metabolic syndrome and prevention of diabetes... Is it possible

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

نقاط : 99935
تاريخ الانضمام : 31/12/1969

 Metabolic syndrome and prevention of diabetes... Is it possible Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Metabolic syndrome and prevention of diabetes... Is it possible    Metabolic syndrome and prevention of diabetes... Is it possible I_icon_minitimeالأحد أكتوبر 31, 2010 2:07 pm

In recent years, the proportion of people with diabetes, which greatly alarmed the medical center and those in charge of health matters in the community. And thus his regrets that the share of Jordan is high (12% -20%) when compared with other communities. This situation has led to numerous studies and research to find out what happens and how to deal with it and because of the serious complications caused by diabetes is the most important diseases of the heart and blood vessels (stroke, heart attack or stroke, kidney, eye, etc.). Leading scientific research to find out reasons that lead to the emergence of diabetes and showed that there were major share in bringing about the disease and are:


(Working Alkromossuy) on the genetic makeup to supervise the formation and function of cells of the pancreas producing Ensslin and work Alonsleyn.

(Environmental factor) age, race, obesity, and physical activity.

It is clear that the possibility of medical intervention to assist in the protection of diabetes related to fighting obesity and lifestyle changes so that the daily increase of activity and movement where we can reduce the impact of these factors as we can not do anything for age, race, or caseous composition of the body. The results showed the medical studies to decrease weight and increase the movement was able to reduce the incidence of diabetes by about 30-40%. We can now give an answer to our question first: protection from diabetes is not only possible but also necessary and this should begin before the onset of diabetes (stage pre-diabetes, which in turn may cause hardening of the arteries, heart attack or other, even without diabetes). Before you start the program of prevention must identify the persons qualified to diabetes and then make some medical examinations to determine whether he should intervene therapeutically with drugs or not.

Qualified persons for diabetes


With high weight (obesity).

Age (above 40 years).

The presence of diabetes in a family.

With pressure and / or high fat and / or high blood sugar for some reason temporarily.

Women who appeared with them diabetes only during pregnancy or who have given birth to babies weighing more than 4 kg at birth.

What should we do to these people?


First: you must perform laboratory testing to measure diabetes and Alonsleyn in the case of fasting and after a dose of glucose. Must also conduct the clinical examination and measurement of fat content.

Second: to determine whether a person has what is known as metabolic disease, Metabolic Syndrome, and whether there was resistance to the work of Alonsleyn Insulin Resistance.

Third: to determine whether the cells of the pancreas to secrete Ensslin suffer from dysfunction or not.

IV: Start program with therapeutic monitoring patrol without waiting until the emergence of diabetes and treatment program depends on:

Weight Loss as to become acceptable limits by following a sound nutrition program. It is known that there are many nutritional programs available in all areas of women's and available in the centers of lose weight. All of these programs rely on the principle of mitigation of calories that enter the body through food. I must say that any diet program must be sound in the long run and be balanced in terms of the components of food (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals). In some cases, programs are given unhealthy food because they may cause health problems if it continues the patient for long periods, although it may produce weight loss goal.

Increase daily movement, especially after every meal (walking, sports, swimming, etc.)

Classify patients according to the following:

Without the complications of obesity such as high pressure or a change in the metabolism of fatty substances or sweet: adequate nutrition program and movement with the use of certain medicines to help reduce weight if necessary.

Obesity with metabolic disease Metabolic Syndrome without resistance Ensslin Resistance Insulin treatment reduce fat is added and / or blood pressure.

Obesity and Insulin Resistance without the presence of dysfunction in the secretion of Alonsleyn should consult a specialist.

Obesity with a dysfunction in the secretion of Alonsleyn: You must consult a specialist and start treatment and preventive measure to protect against diabetes or delay the emergence of his appearance. Useful to point out that this treatment also leads to protection from cardiovascular disease and heart
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Metabolic syndrome and prevention of diabetes... Is it possible
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